Biography Exhibition Publication Video

Hear the Wind Sing 且聽風吟
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
123 x 123cm
The Lightness of Being 輕羽
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
123 x 123cm
One Stone Two Birds 一石二鳥
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
200 x 60cm
Blithe 一身輕
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
170 x 50cm
As the Clouds Roll By 觀雲
2010 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
122 x 122cm
Still Like a Mountain II 不動如山 II
2010 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
180 x 90cm
Same Old Place 老地方
2010 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
123 x 200cm
To Forget 忘
2012 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
122 x 122cm
Unrivalled Beauty 絕色
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
105 x 105cm
It's You 是你
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
60 x 60cm
Lady in Yellow 黄衫
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
60 x 60cm
Unembellished 素顏
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
60 x 60cm
Thinking of Intoxication 想醉
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
97 x 97cm
Semi-conscious 半醒
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
97 x 97cm
Unfettered 淋漓
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
97 x 97cm
Idling Away 無事忙
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
42 x 154cm
Nonchalance 無心是道
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
42 x 154cm
No Matter 無争
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
60 x 60cm
Blue Sunshine 藍色陽光
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
60 x 60cm
Visit 探花
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
60 x 60cm
A Glance Back 回眸
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
60 x 60cm
Red Petal 紅花瓣
2011 Chinese Ink and Pigments on
Rice Paper
60 x 60cm